Wednesday 16 November 2016

Shitting pets and the shitty people who own them

I naïvely lived my short life thinking that I mattered in some way.  Fortunately, I'm a realist and can see through that bullshit.   I'm not going to sit and try to convince myself that I'm worth something when there are so many others proving to me wrong.  It's a struggle that I will never win and if I were even equipped to battle, I would have laid down my sword long ago. I'm left exhausted fighting for something that I knew I would never win and the more I tried, the harder it got till eventually I just gave up.  there is only so much shit a person can take before a person can admit defeat. I was already broken but I still stood up to fight. Blindly and without purpose. Over and over again like a moronic dog that keeps getting swat at for shitting on floor.  That stupid dog.  believing that  people still love him despite his flaws when in actuality the owner has put up posters all over the neighborhood hoping that someone would take the damn dog off their hands. they are just fed up dealing with the burden of shit.   There once was a feeling of Fulfillment and joy that came with the unconditional love that comes with a pet but that sadly turned into resentment and abandonment. This person can't or won't see the positive things that having this companion can bring into their mundane lives, focusing on the negative only and refuses to recognize that if they weren't such selfish and thoughtless assholes, they would see that if they just let it out more or gave it the slightest bit of thought, the dog wouldn't be shitting on the damn floor in the first place. Blaming the dog when it was the fault of the shitty owners, putting the blame on someone else because they're too stupid to realize they are being jerks and won't  admit that they are shitty people.  The dog gets pawned off to another asshole family that immediately labels the dog as damaged, lashing out in frustration instead of trying to understand why the dog has this problem in the first place.  Too lazy for the work involved.  To dumb to see their own faults. Blindness takes over, blame is placed solely on the dog,  it all his fault,  he's too much to deal with and it's off to the next family. And then another and another.  the poor dog still thinks that one day there will come a time where he will be loved but there is doubt for the first time and vows to try even harder to meet their expectations.  Trying so hard just to show everyone that He deserves a chance, wasting all his energy on the very people that will never see it.  selfishness is a parasite. It multiplies and takes over so you can't see what an asshole you've become.  even worse, you surround yourself with other assholes, thinking that this is the norm and this how people should behave.  Its safer being in a herd then to stray from the flock. Mindless sheep, prefer to follow the crowd off a fucking cliff then to stop and think that maybe plummeting  to their death is not such a good idea.  eventually that dog ends up alone in a shelter wondering why no one wants him.  And there he sits day in and day out thinking why doesn't anyone care.  He begins to believe what all the shitty owners believe, that he is damaged.  the once happy and cheerful pup is now filled with self doubt and sorrow. robbed of his happiness, no one wants a sad dog, justifying why he is there.   He is shit and everyone just proved it.  Weeks go by. Then months. Secretly he wishes that he'd be brought into that room with the gas as a means to end his suffering.  Anything is better then living with self hatred and doubt.  then something wonderful happens. a small child walks over to the dog pen and smiles with excitement.  That's the one, she squeals.  The cage handlers do their best to steer the family away from the dog with shit problem but that child doesn't want to hear it.  She just knows that this one is special.  The parents are reluctant but want to make there child happy so and are willing to sacrifice their time and over look the flaws of a helpless orphan. The parasite did not seem to get a hold of this family and what they discovered is how very special this dog really is.  So much love coming from such a damaged soul when all he ever wanted was to give it's heart to others.  to think that they could have just mindlessly skipped over that kennel and could have missed out on such a wonderful pet. That dog  just needed to be given a chance to prove that he is not all bad.  so the choice is yours. which one do you want to be? We are not born assholes, it is something that is learned and it can be unlearned by having Compassion, love and empathy.  This world can make us hard but Don't let it turn you into an asshole.  There are too many others out there already, we don't need anymore

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